For this issue of the newsletter I’m taking a break from the Chronic Miasms series to address the pertinent issue of immunity in this time of the global pandemic. The advice the media gives to avoid infection focuses mainly on masks and quarantine. The devastating...
According to WHO health is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing. Susruta many eons ago gave a similar definition of health. He says other than having balanced doshas, digestive fire, etc the mind also has to be at peace to be a healthy individual....
June is a month of reflection, as it is the time that our founder Swami Rama seeded many things, whether the First International Yoga and Meditation Conference in USA in 1976 or establishing the Himalayan Institute Hospital Trust in 1989. At these trying times across...
To tackle the unprecedented havoc created by novel Covid-19 Swami Rama Himalayan University (SRHU) is also committed to its social responsibilities. Under the aegis of Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor Dr. Vijay Dhasmana, SRHU is duty-bound in extending its full-fledged support...
“Water is the source of happiness, energy, health and piety, and is life giving as mother.” Rig Veda 10.9.1-2 “This Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) has delivered elixir to my house,” says Kamini Padiyar, a resident of village Kheda Talla, Tehri Garhwal,...