Link: Empowering Women: The Crucial Role of Menopause Outreach Clinics in Holistic Healthcare
In Ayurveda anything that exists on this earth can be a dravya (drug) as it is made up of panchamahabhootas. Caraka says even a poison can be an effective drug when administered in the proper way and in the same way an elixir can prove harmful if administered wrongly....
Breathing Then you may notice that your breath is creating a problem for you: your mind is being distracted by your breath. Breath plays a great role in life. It helps you to control your mind, and if you know how to breathe properly you can control your emotional...
. . . Pathogenesis of RA continued As the urogenital organs initially develop as one system, when the menses are suppressed, one of the first symptoms to appear is increased frequency and urgency of urination. When the functioning of one structure of mesodermal origin...
Link: Empowering Women: Celebrating Progress and Addressing Challenges
You must know with certainty what meditation means, and how meditation can help you. Is meditation a complete therapy or do you need a therapist on whom you can lean for many, many years and still not understand yourself? First of all you should understand that your...