Keeping in mind the protocol to be followed due to the pandemic COVID-19 and to make the moment memorable in the life of the students, Swami Rama Himalayan University organized a four-day program “Degree & Award Felicitation Ceremony” in two phases. Dr. Vijay Dhasmana, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor of the University was the Chief Guest on the occasion.

A total of 869 students who had successfully completed their respective programs and had been found eligible for the award of their respective degrees/diploma as on 31st December 2020, were conferred degrees on the Degree & Award Felicitation Ceremony of the University, held on 8-9 and 14-15 September 2021. In the first phase, 8-9 September, 495 students were eligible for conferring of degrees/diploma. Students of various UG/PG/Diploma courses in Engineering, Management, Paramedical, Biosciences, MHA, Yoga and Community Medicine were among the degree recipients. In the second phase, 14-15 September 2021, 374 students of various UG/PG/Diploma courses in Medicine and Nursing were among the degree recipients.

Medals and awards distribution was also part of the ceremony with Mr. Manasvi Kalra being awarded the coveted Dr. Swami Rama Best Graduate Award for the year 2020 for first rank in all Prof. Exam in MBBS program and Mr. Rakesh Pundir being awarded with Dr. Swami Rama Best Graduate Award for the year 2020 for first rank in all B.Sc. Nursing Exam. Several other medals and named academic awards were also distributed to the deserving students.

Students who had already collected their degree/diploma earlier, as the University could not organize the convocation for the past two years due to COVID-19, were also allowed to participate in the Degree & Award Felicitation Ceremony by registering themselves on the University website.

The main attraction of the ceremony was the dress code, wherein all participants were vestured in Indian culture. The Vice Chancellor in his valedictory speech said that our priority is the health of the students, at the same time their safe future has also been taken care of. He emphasized on the achievement of the long cherished dream of the founder of the trust by following the principles laid down by HH Swami Rama and serving the people of the hills and contributing back to the community as a mandate. In his brief and captivating address he inspired the graduates, students and faculty of the Institute.

The Convocation ended with the National Anthem sung by all, followed by lunch.