It is with profound grief we inform you that Sri Roshan Lal Kanodia, disciple of HH Swami Rama, left for his heavenly abode May 3, 2021.
Shri Roshan Lal ji was one of the founding members of Himalayan Institute Hospital Trust, the promoting society of our University as well as a member of the Board of Management of Swami Rama Himalayan University. His contributions have been far and many. He will be deeply missed.
May his soul rest in peace. Prayers. Om Shanti.

It is with deep sorrow, we share the news about passing away of our very dear Sri Rashpal Malhotra ji. He left his mortal coil at 4:02 a.m. May 4, 2021 in Chandigarh. Rashpalji, disciple of Gurudev HH Swami Rama, was one of the key functionaries of HIHT (the promoting society of our University) between 1990-1999.
SRHU family prays for the departed soul to rest in everlasting peace. Om Shanti.
We just lost two luminaries of Himalayan Institute Hospital Trust in a back-to-back fashion this week. Here are some reminiscences both at an institutional and personal level.
Sri Roshan Lal Kanodiaji, had met Swami Rama in his early days as a wandering monk. The Kanpur group were blessed in the sense that either Swamiji or his guru bhai radiated their grace and presence constantly over a long span of years. The first center of Himalayan Institute of Yoga Science and Philosophy was started in Kanpur and in all the subsequent ones set up in India, Roshan Lalji played a part of great measure.
My first interactions with Roshan Lalji were when I worked coordinating in the set up for the Hospital. Roshan Lalji, as treasurer was centerstage for a lot of our activities. Our team ranged from the age groups of 20s to 70s, each with varied backgrounds. The early years revolved around the founder, so it was both karma yoga and bhakti yoga at its zenith! One devotee with international business background was paired with a traditional Indian business background, medical professional paired with local vendors etc, all with varied approaches giving our wee-best to the cause. Amidst all this, our teacher ensured that our bruised egos made us reflect and reorient our inner being, while going through the professional targets set for the Institute as a whole. With each year we evolved as the targets grew bigger and the establishment grew. Then the master leaving the body made us evolve to take on new challenges, while continuing the momentum set by him.
Roshan Lalji’s contributions to the set up of the Institute have been many and manifold. Though a householder, he would drop everything in a minute’s notice at the call of his guru. Even when he moved from centerstage to an advisory role, the core of devotion to the guru, service to all and being a fatherly figure to many who count him as his benefactor remained with Roshan Lalji.
Let me close with a few lines of Swami Rama:
Rhythm of nature as expressed in the heart
The flower blooming in colors enchanting,
Breeze holding the fragrance sailing,
Taking me into thy loving refuge,
Surrendering to thy lotus feet, Ma.
Our rural sector interface with Sri Rashpal Malhotraji began quite early in the 90s. Whether it was development of a proposal for primary health care and development project for funding to a bilateral agency, or accompanying Swami Rama for the Uttarkashi earthquake relief in 1991, Rashpalji was there all along. Subsequently the efforts were more on the medical and ministry level of work nationally and for important events at the Institute here in his official capacity.
Post Swamiji leaving the body, the work that our Institute collaborated with were for the Reproductive and Child Health project, a three-state model, wherein we participated for Uttarakhand and his CRIDD (Centre for Research on Rural and Industrial Development) organisation for Punjab.
Last but not least were the ties of his family members contributing to Swamiji’s cause here, for which we are much beholden. True to the instructions of Swamiji, his last project was enabling services through a center in Kangra, Himachal Pradesh.
I have surrendered my mind, heart, and soul to God.
I am the smallest instrument of God.
I will pay homage to no one but God.
I will not follow any tradition but Truth, which is God.
I am a messenger who will deliver the message of God.
I will lovingly sow the seeds of the pure love of God.
–Guru Gobind Singh, Bichitra Natak
Ms. B. Maithili, Director, Rural Deveolpment Institute