SAKSHAM was initiated in 2011 in Chakrata, Doiwala, Bahadrabad and Nazibabad. The objective of the program was to offer people with disability a platform to avail social, health, education and income generation welfare so they can be part of mainstream development.
Collaborative approaches were adopted by associating with Dehradun Disability Forum, collaborating with Rehabilitation Council of India to take forward one of its technology intensive program for special education under the flagship of Foundation Course for Education of Children with Disabilities.
Individual and collective supports for people with disability were extended through inclusive efforts. 200 people received assistance through aids and appliances, surgeries and therapies. People with disability wanted income generation options which were addressed through trainings, exposure visits to Gorakhpur, Madhya Pradesh, Chamba and Vikas Nagar to 78 farmers with disability. Financial support of more than 8 lakhs was extended to support small scale business activities including farming, general store; expansion of business, tea stalls, etc.
People with disability and/or their family members in case of a child with disability were brought together as part of Disabled People’s Organizations (DPOs). 64 DPOs were formed involving 1,280 members in 4 blocks helping people save as much as Rs. 60,000 at group level. 30 homes and 8 schools were made more accessible by offering inclusive infrastructure construction. 500 frontline health workers, 120 teachers, 195 District trainers and 216 ward and panchayat members have been sensitized on the basics of disability and inclusive development to promote mainstream development. 4 researches and 3 audio-visual and print publications developed to understand the ground situation of needs, services available and community perception regarding disability.
RDI also promotes individuals working towards the cause of disability and inclusive development. One such individual dedicated to the cause is Ms. Padmawati, an inspiring lady who has created Sangamam, workplace for adult people with special needs. One of the most important lessons during her preparation for handling the disabilities was that “the person is at the heart of the whole process”.