Jwara means that which causes anguish to the body and mind. It is the first disease that originated from the third eye of angry Lord Shiva. It is very similar to fever in medical terminologies. However, in Ayurveda a rise in temperature is only one of its symptoms.

There are different types of Jwara according to Ayurveda.

1. Sharirika Jwara and Manasika Jwara
Charaka says that the Sharirika jwara originates at the physical level. This type of jwara could also become a manasika jwara as it progresses. Manasika jwara according to Caraka manifests in the mind. This first affects the mind and then it affects the body.
2. Soumya Jwara and Agneya Jwara
Soumya jwaras are usually milder. These are fevers caused due to Vata or Kapha. The patient tends to want warm comfort and hot foods. Agneya Jwaras are usually hot or fiery. These fevers are caused by Vata and Pitta. The patient tends to want cold foods.
3. Antarvega Jwara and Bahirvega Jwara
Antarvega Jwara are fevers where the symptoms are manifested internally. Usually there is no temperature externally. Symptoms of this fever include burning sensation inside the body, excessive thirst, shortness of breath, giddiness, pain in the joints, absence of sweat and constipation. Bahirvega Jwara are fevers where the heat is felt on the outside. Symptoms of this fever include temperature felt on the body and less thirst. From a prognosis point of view bahirjwara is easily curable whereas antarvega jwara are difficult to cure.
4. Prakruta Jwara and Vaikruta Jwara
Prakruta jwara deals with Pitta and Kapha Jwaras which are aggravated in the related season. In the case of Kapha fevers it occurs in spring season when Kapha naturally gets aggravated and Pitta jwaras occur in autumn when pitta is naturally aggravated. Vaikruta jwaras are Pitta and Kapha jwaras which occur in the other seasons example Kapha jwara occurring in winter and Pitta jwara occurring in rainy season.
5. Sadhya jwara and Asadhya Jwara
Sadhya jwaras are jwaras that are easily curable. This also depends on the strength of the patient and his ability to fight the fever. Asadhya jwaras are those jwaras that are not curable. These include when the agent causing the fever is very potent or when the patient is weak and unable to fight the disease

Another type of classification according to Charaka is depending on the Doshas involved:

Vataja Jwara caused due to aggravation of Vata
Pittaja Jwara caused due to aggravation of Pitta
Kaphaja Jwara caused due to aggravation of Kapha
Vata Pittaja Jwara caused by aggravation of Vata and Pitta
Vata Kaphaja Jwaras caused by aggravation of Vata and Kapha
Kapha Pittaja Jwaras caused by aggravation of Kapha and Pitta
Sannipataja Jwara caused by aggravation of all the three doshas.

Another type of Jwara is that caused by external factors.

Another type of classification is Amaja jwaras and Jeerna Jwara.

Ama jwara is the first stage of Jwara where there is Ama (Toxin) formation due to the improper functioning of the Agni which is present in the amashaya or stomach. This Agni is displaced to the other parts of the body and causes the temperature. This type of Jwara is associated with loss of appetite, heaviness of the body and high temperature.

Jeerna jwara is the later stage of the Jwara where the ama is digested.

Another type of classification is based on the frequency of the episodes: –

Santata is a Jwara which is continuously present.
Satata Jwara is a jwara where the symptoms are seen once in 24 hours.
Anyedyushka Jwara is when the symptoms appear twice in 24 hours.
Tritiyaka jwara is when the symptoms are seen on every 3rd day.
Chaturtaka jwaras are fevers seen on every 4th day.

to be continued . . .