Nidana in Ayurveda deals with details of causes, signs, symptoms and cure of raga (disease). It gives a complete understanding of the raga. It is the beginning point of roga diagnosis.

Some authors say that anything which causes a change in the doshas is the nidana of that roga. Like for example excessive drinking could be the nidana in liver diseases. Some authors also say that that which gives complete knowledge of the raga is nidana. Knowledge about the factors of a raga helps the physician to identify the raga better. If the reason behind the raga cannot be identified, then the chikitsa (treatment) of the disease cannot be planned.

Acharya Susruta has said that understanding the nidana of a raga is the start of the chikitsa. The first and foremost aim of all chikitsa for all ailments is to avoid the causative factors and thus prevent further development of the raga and its various complications. The knowledge of these raga causing factors also helps the patient to keep away from them and thus prevents raga progression. Lifestyle modifications can be adopted as required. Understanding the nidana helps a doctor to counsel the patient to keep away from certain foods which are unwholesome to them. Not only will it help to establish a proper treatment protocol, but it will also help to develop a healthy diet and lifestyle by which different ragas can be avoided. This is the main aim of Ayurveda.

Diagnosis in Ayurveda mainly depends on the prakriti of the individual. Stress can be correlated with a Vata imbalance. Disturbances of Pitta indicates problems like acidity, blood pressure and burning eye. A kapha imbalance is indicated by fatigue and restlessness.

Ayurveda uses 5 tools as the diagnostic tools which are referred to as pancha (5) nidanas.

They are cause (nidana), signs (purva rupa), symptoms (rupa), investigative methods (upashaya and raga prognosis (samprapti).

Nidana addresses the raga causing factors like diet, Life style, environmental factors and injuries which effect the imbalance of the doshas. In Ayurveda nidana parivarjana (avoidance} is considered as the first line of treatment in most cases.

Purvarupa takes a look at the initial signs and symptoms of roga. These symptoms occur before the actual raga makes its presence known. These help in the diagnosis of the accurately.

Rupa considers the various signs and symptoms which have become more pronounced.

Upashaya addresses the various signs and symptoms which helps with the diagnosis of the raga and utilizing a proper diet and prescribing appropriate herbal remedies or some other therapies.

Samprapti involves studying the roga right from the purvarupa, the rupa and then the upashaya and utilizes it in establishing a regime for the roga.

Proper roga nidana is essential to prevent the manifestation of roga and its symptoms.

Mrs. Mira Swami, Dept of Ayurveda