. . .  continued from last issue

Aasavas and Aristas

These are fermented preparations of medicinal plants. Aasavas are usually prepared by fermenting the Swarasa whereas Aristas are prepared by the fermentation of the Kwatha. The fermenting agents are agents like sugar, honey or Gud and some medicinal powders. They are mixed and kept in a closed container till fermentation is complete. These are very good for increasing Agni, increasing appetite and clearing the channels. The swarasa or kwatha could be of a single plant or a mixture of plants. The alcohol generated serves as a preservative.

Dosage is 30- 50ml twice daily after food.

Abhayarista is good for Arshas, constipation and Kapha diseases of the colon.


This a jam like preparation which is made for licking. It is made by concentrating the fluids like the Kwathas with either sugar, gud or honey. They remain good for longer periods of time.

Dosage is 10-15 gms once or twice a day.

Chavanaprash is a very good avaleha used as a Rasayan.


This a fine powder of a cleaned drug or drugs. The drugs are finely powdered and sieved. The finer the powder the better is its therapeutic value. They are laghu (easily digestible) and reduce Kapha. It can be applied on the body or can be ingested.

Dosage is 15gms once or twice daily.

Hingvastaka choorna  is good for indigestion and gas problems.

Siddha (medicated ) Oils and Ghritas (ghee)

These are preparations in which oil or ghee is boiled with the Kwatha or kalkas . Medicated Ghee is the best for Pitta diseases. This is usually prescribed at the end of treatments to make the agni stronger. In these preparations 3 ingredients are essential- Sneha (ghee or Oil), the drug which can be a swarasa or a kwatha and kalka. The proportion of the 3 ingredients is usually oil or ghee- 4 parts, kalka -1 part and kwatha  -16 parts.. The 3 are mixed and boiled on a low fire with continuous stirring till all the liquid s evaporated. The cooking stage is of 3 types -mridhu paaka or soft stage, Madhyama paka if it burns without a cracking noise and a khara paka if it burns with a crackling noise. The mridhu paka is used for nasal infusions (Nasya), the madyama paka is used for enema and oral administration and the khara pakea is used for bathing.

Dosage for ghee is usually 3-15gms daily on an empty stomach or at bedtime.

Dadhimastaka ghrita is good during pregnancy.

Pinda taila is externally applied in arthritis.

Anutaila is used as a nasya.


This is a paste used for external application. The drugs are first made into a fine powder and then mixed with some liquid like water, oil or ghee to form a paste.

Varti, netrabindu and Anjana

These are medicinal preparations meant for external application for the eyes Vartis are made by grinding of the drug with the required fluid to form a paste. This is then made into fine sticks and dried in the shade Netrabindu and Anjana are used with the help of an applicator.


Vati and Gutikas

They are drug in the form of tablets or pills. They are made with either one or more drugs. The plant ingredients are dried and made into fine powder and then made into a paste. After this they are made into pills with the help of fingers. These are then dried.

They remain viable for 2 years.

Other than these there are other purely mineral based formulations like pisti and bhasmas. There are also creams, ointments, lotions, dusting powders etc. Thus Ayurvedic Bhaisajya Kalpana encompasses a wide range of drug dosage forms which can be utilised by the practitioner.

Mrs. Mira Swami, Department of Ayurveda