On January 14th, RDI marked the celebrations for Road Safety Week and National Youth Day with 200 youth from Doiwala, Bahdrabad, Yamkeshwar and Dugadda. The program was centered on youth elaborating about their safety and how to channelize their energy towards positive outcomes. At the onset of the event, life-story of Late Mr. Sumir Lakhwara was shared by Dr. Malini Srivastava. She highlighted that his life was a message to all the youth of how to stay focused towards the goal and make all possible efforts to attain them.
Chief Guest for the event was Ms. Nidhi Tiwari who is an adventure enthusiast and has made many successful road trips on difficult terrains like a 97-day road trip from Delhi to London with two other female drivers and a solo trip of 5,000 km to Siberia. She is the first Indian to drive to Oymyakon, considered to be the coldest permanently inhabited place on earth.
Medical Superintendent, Himalayan Institute of Medical Sciences, Col. Bisht spoke encouragingly to the youth about the unlimited opportunities that they have at their disposal. Speaking from the perspective of youth, Kushal Markanday a student of the Upliftment of Villages Around Us (UVA) group elaborated on privileges as well as responsibilities of this age group.
To encourage community towards adopting safe road practices RDI distributed helmets to five people with disability by Dr. Renu Dhasmana, Director Himalayan College of Nursing. Further staff who have reached out to larger number of audiences through community mobilization on first-aid were also facilitated.
Life stories and quotes of Swami Vivekananda were shared with the audience by Mr. Ravinder and Mr. Vivek explaining the relevance of National Youth Day. Cultural performances were made by budding artists and the winners were awarded with trophies.