Swami Rama Centre


Pranayama, by Swami Rama, part 2

Part 2 The body and, hence, the mind are continually undergoing changes of state due to various factors such as climate, environment, and habits, and those influences are beyond the realm of man’s control. The consequence of this continual and varied state of affairs...

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Pranayama, by Swami Rama

The meaning of the word pranayama may be explained in two ways: prana is energy, or the life force, and yama means the control of that energy. Or the word pranayama may be split into prana and ayama: prana means “first unit of energy,” and ayama means expansion, or...

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Love Means to Adjust and to Understand, by Swami Rama

Love means to adjust and to understand. The Odd Couple One day a sage came to visit a couple. He sang a song for them that explained the meaning of life and the true goal of life. His song expressed that love was the most ancient traveler in the world. From eternity...

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29th Mahasamadhi Day of Dr. Swami Rama Celebrated at HIHT

A grand event was held on the 29th Mahasamadhi Diwas of Dr. Swami Rama, the founder of HIHT (Himalayan Institute Hospital Trust). As the chief guest, spiritual guru Anandmurti Guru Maa remarked that Dr. Swami Rama, the founder of HIHT, is a heritage of the world. He...

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sepia-ponchoH.H. Dr. Swami Rama inspired millions of people through the loving and selfless example he set in his life, and through the clarity and practicality of his teachings and writings. Swami Rama Centre (SRC) was created to ensure that his works continue to be available as a source of inspiration to countless spiritual seekers. SRC at Himalayan Institute Hospital Trust has become a favorite meeting place for Swamiji’s students, his disciples from all over the world and the residents of the Institute campus. Every year Guru Purnima celebration is organized by SRC. On 13th November, a function commemorating the anniversary of Swami Rama’s mahasamadhi is held annually. The Centre itself is a multi-faceted complex where the writings and teachings of H.H. Dr. Swami Rama are preserved and made available to all who are interested. The complex includes a photobiography of Swamiji and meditation hall. The publication of Swamiji’s unpublished works is a focus of Swami Rama Centre. The Meditation Hall is a zone of silence, open daily for meditation from 4:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Adjacent to the meditation hall is the room where Swamiji left his mortal body. Swami Rama Centre has an English spiritual bookstore offering books by Swami Rama, Swami Veda, and other spiritual traditions. The entire complex is surrounded by a beautiful garden which provides a serene and isolated environment, conducive to meditation and contemplation. Contact us at src@hihtindia.org, 91-135-241-2068 or 91-135-247-1233. The Centre is open Monday through Saturday, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m., on the HIHT campus. Or find us on Facebook. Visit us on YouTube. For a detailed biography of Swami Rama, go to  Founder, Swami Rama.

Membership in Swami Rama Family includes the following benefits: * 10% discount on books published by Swami Rama Centre  * 10% discount on registration fees for HIHT sponsored conferences *  Rs. 100 per year, Rs. 1,000 for lifetime membership