Taruni ( Rosa centifolia)
Taruni is known as gulab in Hindi and rose in English. It belongs to family Rosaceae and Karveeradi Varg in Raaj Nighantu, Ayurveda. This plant which is native to Persia is now commonly planted in Bulgaria, France, Spain and Italy though abundantly cultivated throughout the world for its cosmetic value and therapeutic purpose.
Plant Description: A prickly shrub. Prickles are unequal, large hooked. Leaves are compound, usually having 5 leaflets, covered with short, soft hair on both sides or sometimes only beneath. Flowers are usually pink in color seen on long and slender pedicles, fragrant, petals are bent inward and sepals are persistent. Fruit of this plant which is known as rose hip is fleshy and edible. The number of seeds in each rose hip varies greatly between rose varieties. There may only be a few per rose hip, or several dozen. Species from different parts of the world easily hybridize and give different type of varieties of this plant. In India about 150 original varieties and 2500 hybrid varieties are found and are cultivated in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Punjab and Kashmir.
Ayurvedic pharmacology: Rasa- Tikta, Kashay and Madhur Guna-Laghu, Snigdha Vipaak- Madhur, Veerya- Sheeta Prabhav- Hridya Dosha Karma- Vaat Pitta Shamak
Chemical composition: Flowers contain a volatile oil which contains citronellol, geraniol, nerol, and phenylethanol. Flowers and leaves contain saponin. Petals contain methionine sulphoxide. The rose hip contains vitamin C, malic acid and citric acid.
Therapeutically useful part: Fresh or dried petals of flower.
Therapeutic uses: It is useful in raktapitta, pittaj vikar, and fever. Used as a tonic for stomach, intestine, and liver and also as an aphrodisiac. Externally used in pittaj vrana. It is a mild laxative. Extract of rose petals is used as an eye drop in burning sensation of eyes.
Doses: Petal powder 2 to 3 gram, distillate (rose water) – 20 to 30 ml.
Dr. Pratibha Mamgain, M.D.( Ay) B.H.U., Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Ayurveda