continued from last issue . . .

The potentized homeopathic remedy that is actually a field of energy may be coordinated with yogic techniques to enhance the body’s inherent healing mechanism or to heal a compromised immune system. Whether the complaint is viral infection, chronic non-malignant disease or cancer, homeopathic treatment needs to be systematically researched for its preventative and curative capacity in such afflictions. Dynamic potentized remedies are capable of strengthening the immune system by neutralizing distortions of the panic field or vital force. High potencies of the remedies may prove capable of cancelling out field disturbances that have been impressed on the subtle energy fields by the miasmatic field. We can no longer afford to ignore these possibilities.

To revert to the topic of rheumatoid arthritis, the basic aim of treatment from the Aesclepian School’s perspective is to relieve the pain, to stop the progressive destruction, to prevent deformities and to maintain mobility and function of the joint. Medical management includes non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics and physical therapy. Theoretically, corticosteroids should be used only in severe exacerbations of the disease or in life-threatening situations. Unfortunately, in practice one finds steroidal treatment to be more the rule rather than the exception, as it offers seemingly instant relief to the rheumatoid patient who is desperately seeking to end the pain and suffering of this disease. However, more often than not this initial relief is followed by irreversible crippling deformities, the result of the state of prolonged immunosuppression created by the steroids. One can only hope that physicians will more often refuse to give in to the temptation of “instant relief.” Surgical treatment offers some hope for restoration of function in joints that have become severely affected by destruction and deformities.

Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis from the viewpoint of the Hygeian School of thought is based on enhancing the body’s innate healing mechanism and in helping the patient to assume the responsibility for their own well-being. In order to do this, we must consider all aspects of the mind-prana-body continuum. Like any other chronic disease, RA is the product of multiple complex assaults to the immune system. Therapy must therefore be a combination of both subtle techniques and physical methods in order to be effective.

Let us first look at treatment on the mental level. Habitual negative thought patterns, self-condemnation and prolonged states of depression as determined by the samskaras and the subtler aspects of consciousness may provide the fundamental disturbing vibrations that comprise the subtle background for the autoimmune process that is believed to be involved in the mechanism of the rheumatic inflammatory process. Sudden emotional shocks such as loss of a loved one, followed by deep sadness and grief, may cause a similar state.

Treatment on the mental level consists of: 1. Meditation is a scientific technique for gaining access and insight into one’s own subtler levels of consciousness, and for knowing oneself on the deeper levels of existence.

. . . to be continued

Dr. Barbara Bova, HOD, Department of Homeopathy