Part 7, continued from Nov/Dec 2017 issue
This is a continuation of a brief discussion of the chakras and pranas. On the subtler levels of the human being, a balanced equilibrium among these forces is necessary for harmonious functioning of the bodymind complex as a whole. Each chakra is associated with one of the elements (earth, water, fire, air, space) and governs their expression, and also with one of the functions of prana vayu.
Tamasic in nature, the two lowest chakras are the most closely related to the material world. The first and second chakras govern earth and water, the subtle formative elements behind the grossest structural aspects of the physical body. Any abnormalities or weakness at the physical level derive from inadequate concentration of elemental energy here. More specifically, muladhara chakra is closely associated with the musculoskeletal system and svadisthana with the internal organs and with the production of fluids in the body. Disorders involving fluid imbalances can be traced to this chakra.
As these two chakras are closely interrelated, the two aspects of prana that are under their rule, apana and vyana, help to maintain a proper and balanced environment within the structural body.
Muladhara is the major seat of apana vayu. Apana is a downward and outward force and is centrifugal in nature. Thus its principle functions are cleansing, elimination and excretion. It is predominant in the colon and pelvic organs (kidney, bladder and genitals) and is the force behind the natural processes of defecation, urination, ejaculation, menstruation and childbirth. Apana is also involved in the immune system to remove unwanted or harmful foreign invaders.
Svadisthana chakra governs vyana vayu, the cohesive force that permeates the entire body to hold the cells and tissues of the body together, not only to form individual organs and structures, but also to keep the body together as one functional unit. This cohesiveness is involved in diffusion of fluids throughout the body; regulation of the tension and relaxation of all muscles, voluntary and involuntary, including those of the blood vessels; and processes of growth and cell division. Vyana may also be important in the healing process and the immune response, and is therefore, along with apana, one of the determining factors of resistance/susceptibility of the organism.
Although the discussion has been primarily focused on the physical body up to this point, it should not be forgotten that the ultimate control over the pranic sheath and its elements, prana vayus and chakras remains with consciousness and the mind.Psychologically the first two chakras represent a focus on basic instinctual urges and concern with survival. When one’s energy is concentrated at the first two chakras, one is said to be at the lowest level of consciousness. Mental disturbances associated with these first chakras will thus include fear, paranoia, lustful feelings and sexual perversions. Psychosomatic illnesses that will manifest through these chakras will include disturbances in elimination, evacuation and in sexual functioning and reproduction.
. . . to be continued
Dr. Barbara Bova, HOD, Dept. of Homeopathy