continued from last issue. . . . .
To paraphrase Hahnemann, the founder of the homeopathic system, chronic diseases develop very slowly and the vital force can neither resist them nor is it strong enough to extinguish them. As a result, over time they gradually develop until they destroy the organism. These are known as chronic diseases and are produced by infection of a chronic miasm.
Previously we have described the yogic concept of the five sheaths or koshas. Fundamental to understanding the theory of the chronic miasms are the following: 1) acceptance and understanding of the yogic concept of the koshas, and 2) the conclusion of quantum field theory that fields rather than matter are the real substance of the universe.
Miasms are fields of morbific dynamic energy that exist independently in the universal field of cosmic energy, as do the subtle energy origins of all the material phenomena of the universe. Whether the miasms are inherently present and intricately interwoven within the meshwork of the subtlest energy fields of human existence, or whether they are extrinsically acquired, the individual biofield is permanently altered or warped by an interaction with a miasmatic field. In ancient terminology we would say the pranic field has become distorted so as to: 1) cause a change in the oscillations of the chakras that will in turn affect the manner in which energy is distributed through them; 2) damage the delicate energy channels, the nadis, so that passage of energy to the affected area(s) may become obstructed; 3) disturb the balanced interplay of the different functions of the prana vayus. In modern terms we would say the immune response, the protective mechanism of the body, has become weakened, destroyed or has turned against its host organism as in autoimmune diseases.
Interaction with miasmatic energy fields can take place either between the mental fields (vijnanamaya kosha and manomaya kosha) or the pranic field (pranamaya kosha). The physical signs and symptoms that result from this interaction are expressions of the disturbances at subtler levels. Affection at the level of the subtler mental fields will obviously indicate a deeper, more severely deforming infection with more serious and far ranging consequences on the organism as a whole. When a miasmatic affection at the pranic level is suppressed and not allowed to express itself, it may be forced further within to the subtler mental field. Treatment and cure of such cases is very complicated and difficult and takes a long time.
This transformation at subtler levels by interaction with a miasmatic field can only be cancelled out under the influence of other similar fields of energy such as those of potentised homeopathic remedies, which are capable of realigning the distortions in the subtle energy fields of the human entity over a period of time according to the degree of infection and/or suppression.
In the next issue we will discuss the various ways by which the subtler levels can become miasmatically altered.
Dr. Barbara Bova, HOD, Department of Homeopathy