continued from last issue….
From the perspective of yoga, disease is produced by the interaction of various invisible energy fields. The qualities and characteristics of these energy fields can be known indirectly through the forms and pattern of matter that are created as the result of their behavior or interactions. These ancient concepts are of particular interest to homeopathy as the concept of disease as a dynamic internal process is basic to homeopathic philosophy. In homeopathy sickness is described as a subversive force whose action is consistent with the life force and through this coexistent action we may have any conceivable anatomical, physiological or histological imperfection. In addition we may have a mental, moral or even spiritual imperfection. A tumor or any abnormal growth is simply the ripening of prolonged perverted life action.
When the basic biofield is disturbed and becomes imbalanced, medical treatment must be of similar substance. Physical dosing with strong chemical substances will only create more of an imbalance on the dynamic level. The energy fields of homeopathic remedies as produced through the process of potentisation are appropriate for helping to correct the imbalance of energy.
According to Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy: “These diseases develop very slowly, and the vital force cannot always resist them. If it is not strong enough to extinguish them, they can continue to develop until they destroy the organism. These are known as chronic diseases and are produced by infection of a chronic miasm.”
The following synthesis of the existing definitions of the miasms as given by some of the most prominent homeopaths, along with the ancient and modern concepts that have been presented so far, should provide insight into Hahnemann’s controversial theory and help to elucidate the complexities involved in the etiology and evolution of miasmatic affections. Acceptance of the yogic concept that beyond the physical body are more subtle levels of existence (the five koshas or sheaths) that underlie both the structure and functioning of the physical body, along with the conclusion of quantum field theory that “fields” are the real substance of the universe and not matter, is fundamental to the continuing discussion of the chronic miasms.
Based on the notion that the miasms are also fields of morbific dynamic energy, it can be assumed that these miasmatic fields exist independently in the universal field of cosmic energy, as do the subtle energy origins of all the material phenomena of the universe. Whether the miasms are inherently present and intricately interwoven within the meshwork of the subtlest energy fields of human existence, or whether they are extrinsically acquired, the individual biofield can be permanently altered or warped by an interaction with a miasmatic field.
In the next issue we will continue the discussion of the chronic miasms.
Dr. Barbara Bova, HOD, Department of Homeopathy