The highest human potentials are expressed by those willing to be silent and peaceful and to forgo status and power. They quietly and lovingly go about their work, teaching and helping others without expectation of reward. Thus, love and an attitude of acceptance make possible the unfolding of the higher powers, and represent the dawn of a human being’s growth. As he or she continues to evolve, still other potentials may express themselves, to be put to the use of serving the good of others.
The system of meditation does not consider these higher potentials at all unusual, but instead, only the beginning of the process. The final goal is the experience of the highest state of human potential, a state in which the human being recognizes the transcendence and perfection in all things—experiencing the finest aspect of ourselves: the experience of Truth, unity, and the highest joy within, and the recognition of this essence in others. This is the ultimate potential of human beings, and it lies within ourselves; it is our birthright and our own essential nature.
Meditation and the development of our personality lead us to this state and allow us to experience this potential. When this occurs, our experience as human beings in the world is transformed, and real joy, creativity, and understanding open up to us.
It is unfortunate that there is no definite educational and training program for us and our children so that we learn to verify and know our internal states. We are deprived of knowing our inner dimensions, and thus remain strangers to ourselves. We are taught to see, examine, and verify only external objects. This is one of the reasons that we do not know how to live with other human beings harmoniously. Human potential cannot be explored by exploring the potentialities of the external world. A definite method should become a part of the educational curriculum so that every child learns to understand her or his own potential and thus also develops sensitivity for others.
When children learn to realize that they breathe one and the same breath no matter which country or cultural background they come from, then the flower of humanity will bloom and there will be peace, understanding, and equilibrium in the world. Therefore it is essential for us to frame a definite sort of educational program, beginning right in our homes, then in the environment, and finally in the colleges and universities.
A writer rightly said, “A child is taught twenty-two years before her birth.” This means that a mother should be trained to train her children in such a way that they understand their inner potential, become self reliant, and learn to love others.
So far we have done many experiments on the body, on energy, and on a few aspects of mind, but human potential resides in the center of consciousness, from where consciousness flows on various degrees and levels.
It is important to impart the knowledge of understanding oneself in childhood, so that every child understands herself or himself as a nucleus, and the world around her or him as its expansion. Conflict within and without is the archenemy that separates the human being from other human beings. These conflicts arise from the ego and the selfish nature of children because they are not taught to be genuine, loving, sharing, and caring in their childhood. The seeds that are sown in childhood have a deeper impact and impression on the mind and the emotional nature. The education that is imparted in the colleges and universities is incomplete and helps one only in earning a means and not in remaining aware of the end. The purpose of human life is quite evident: happiness, peace, and bliss, which are inner dimensions and can be attained without external achievement, but never by ignoring the inner potential. A one sided education is imperfect; therefore violence, conflicts, misunderstanding, and chaos are found in our modern society. Life, in analysis, is divided into two aspects: life within and without. Then why do we not impart to children an education that is holistically complete and helps children to know their inner life as well? When human beings learn to fathom the deeper levels of their being, then the real knowledge will dawn, and we will learn to love all and exclude none.
Reprinted from New Jersey Journal of Professional Counseling
Vol 50 No 1 / 2, Fall 1987