. . . sycosis continued
States of congestion or of localized hyperemia provide the trigger for acute and chronic inflammatory conditions of all mucous surfaces in the body, particularly those in the pelvis. However, any mucous surface may become the instrument for the agitated apana to vent its perverted forces: urethra, vagina, vulva, conjunctiva, nasal mucous membranes, anus or rectum. The typical discharge from these irritated mucous membranes in the sycotic patient has its peculiar characteristics: greenish-yellow in color, foul or fish brine odor, acrid and corroding. The greenish-yellow color is the consequence of superimposed invasion of bacteria due to the compromised immune system and because of the disturbances in their natural abodes in the mucous membranes. The offensive odor is the result of bacterial action on the cellular debris.
The inflammatory stage of rheumatoid arthritis or other inflammatory processes of the joints is also a manifestation of secondary sycosis.
Tertiary Sycosis
The appearance of the tertiary skin lesions of sycosis, such as warts and red and brown moles helps to prevent the malevolent forces from being turned within to more vital internal organs. The red mole particularly is one of the most definite signs that sycosis is within the organism in the tertiary stage.
When the manifestation of these eliminative processes through the skin is thwarted, for instance by removal of warts by surgical methods, the process is forced back into the internal organs, resulting in the typical pathological morphological transformations of tertiary sycosis. Whenever there is over activity of mucous glands, and if this is not corrected by homeopathic treatment rather than suppressive treatment, the tendency in the sycotic constitution is for this process to be transformed into malignant processes. When the tertiary process of sycosis is in the internal organs we see gross morphological and structural changes: changes in size and shape of organs, hypertrophy, dilatations, fibrosis, and softenings.
Suppression of the tertiary expressions at the structural level will force the perverted process into the mental field. There is a particular mental picture associated with sycosis. Because of the excessive energy being expended by the hyperactive functions on the pranic level, a deficiency of energy prevails on the mental level, creating the typical negative state of the mind. This mental negativity will in turn reflect into the pranic and physical bodies and thus may be responsible for such phenomena as immunosuppression.
Sycosis affects all the faculties of the mind, from the lower mind to the intellect, emotions and memory. The disturbances in the beginning may be mild or there may be mania and insanity. Included in the mental picture of sycotics are: slow mental power, absentmindedness, forgetfulness, suspicious, jealousy, secretive, tendency to brood, selfishness, self-condemnation, suicidal tendencies, irritability, quarrelsome, fits of anger, mischievousness, tendency to lie, cruelty, meanness, worst forms of criminal insanity fixed ideas.
Next: Syphilis miasm