. . . continued from last issue
Syphilitic miasm
The difference between the syphilitic process and the sycotic one is as follows. Whereas the organism tries to eliminate the sycotic poison by taking the excessive perverted energy and using it to construct abnormal structures, in syphilis the organism tries to destroy the invader with catabolic processes such as vicious ulcers and necrotic pathological processes. In inherited or congenital syphilis we find all sorts of deformities, malformations and even absence of certain organs and structures because of lack of essential force behind the growth processes and cell division.
As the syphilitic miasm has a special affinity for endoderm, we find that many of the typical signs and symptoms of the syphilitic miasm manifest in such tissues as the epithelial linings of the mouth, palate, pharynx and stomach. Wherever we find deformity, abnormal shapes and structures, ulcers and malformations of bones and teeth, we can be sure that syphilis is present. The degeneration of tissues, nerves and mind all come from one source—syphilis. The signs of syphilis are so characteristic that even in the latent stage, there is no mistaking its identity.
Latent syphilis: Before any gross pathology appears there are many signs and symptoms that suggest that the syphilitic miasm is lying dormant within. One of the prominent symptoms in latent syphilis is excessive salivation, which upsets the ecology of the mouth and is thus often accompanied by foulness of breath and metallic taste. Complaints of water brash and hyperacidity may also be experienced, with or without any relationship to eating. Excessive thirst and desire for cold things to eat and drink may also be present. There is in general aggravation from heat and hot things by an organism that is oversaturated with internal fire. The sweat glands become overactive and the perspiration becomes very offensive due to the increased waste products being produced by the increased catabolic activity in general. Cell growth becomes slowed down so we see slowness in growth of hair and nails, hair falls out in bunches and nails become thin, deformed and break easily. Bone pains at night are also characteristic of the syphilitic miasm. In addition, there is aggravation by natural eliminations such as sweat, urine and stool.
Secondary syphilis: When the syphilitic process progresses to the secondary stage the destructive nature becomes more prominent as manifested by infiltrative, mucous ulcerative processes. Disturbed digestive functions begin to manifest as stomatitis, gastric ulcers and ulcerative colitis. Simple injuries may suppurate and develop into slowly healing or non-healing ulcers. When wounds are unable to heal properly, pathological necrotic processes will result. The characteristic skin manifestations of the secondary stage of syphilis are copper-colored eruptions without itching.
Tertiary syphilis: If the eliminative process is inhibited in the secondary stage, the process will progress to involve the nervous system primarily as degenerative processes. The immune system is likewise severely compromised so that in the tertiary stage we see malignant abscesses, boils, buboes and malignant affections of the lymphatic system.
. . . to be continued
Dr. Barbara Bova, HOD, Department of Homeopathy