The Syphilitic Miasm (continued)
Since the mental, pranic and physical bodies represent a continuum of different frequencies of vibrating energy, any suppression of the perversions of syphilis on the structural level will force the underlying morbific energy inward to the brain. Although the more subtle mental field may remain unaffected, when the physical substance is perverted, whatever is being expressed through that vehicle will also appear to be distorted.
Whereas in sycosis, no organic lesion in the brain may be found on investigation except in the case of malignancies or other abnormal growths in the substance of the brain, the source of mental illness can be traced to the subtlest levels of consciousness, in syphilis the process seems to focus more on the physical level in the brain. The result is irreversible softening and degeneration of the brain.
It is only at its very worst that syphilis deteriorates the mind itself. We find the destructive tendency has extended into the mental sphere when there is a strong suicidal, self-destructive element present. Otherwise, the characteristic mental symptoms of syphilis reflect a deficiency of adequate mental energy. In the late stages of the syphilitic process, not only is most of the energy, which is normally intended to maintain the normal functioning of the body being expended for unnatural destructive purposes, eventually even mental energy is diverted; the mind slows down as if paralyzed. The fixed ideas, fixed moods and obstinacy reflect this state. When the vehicle of the brain has been destroyed we see mental dullness, stupidity even to the point of imbecility and idiocy. The syphilitic mind is slow in reasoning and in reacting. Along with the suicidal aspect we see self-condemnation, guilt complexes and severe depression.
Inherited constitutional tendencies of the syphilitic miasm will include congenital deformities and anomalies, chronic catarrhal conditions of nose and throat, malformations of teeth and of bony structure, ulcerative processes, degenerative conditions of the CNS and mental retardation.
The destructive element of syphilis is at its extreme in the pseudo-psora or tubercular constitution. That is to say, the tubercular constitution represents the syphilitic process at its very worst. Whereas syphilis destroys, pseudo-psora not only destroys but consumes what it has destroyed. The tubercular diathesis provides the soil for the tubercular germ to flourish. Allen says it not only furnishes the soil but it fathers the germs as well.
In pseudo-psora we see opposite extremes in the physical structure of pseudo-psoric patients. The individual may grow too tall too rapidly and be too thin. This is the typical body structure that usually comes to mind when we think of the tubercular constitution. However, the opposite is also just as characteristic of this diathesis: very slow growth in the upward direction so that the individual may be too short, with too much growth outward. In the mental state one may be either too dull or too bright.
. . . to be continued
Dr. Barbara Bova, HOD, Department of Homeopathy