Awakening Kundalini by Swami Rama (part 3)

Preparation The system of yoga includes several techniques that are specifically intended to help prepare the student. These include: 1) Hatha yoga, which strengthens the body, and helps to prepare it for the increase in energy. Traditionally, hatha yoga is used in...

Awakening Kundalini by Swami Rama

(Part 2 continued from last issue) The Ultimate Goal Although there are other subtle centers above the brow center, the final center is located at the crown of the head, and is said to be the final “abode of consciousness” within the individual. Usually, a human...

Awakening Kundalini by Swami Rama

According to the science of tantra, the human being is a miniature universe. All that exists in the cosmos exists within individuals, and the same principles that apply to the universe apply to the individual. In this ancient philosophy, the entire universe is a...

Breath Control by Swami Rama

  Almost everyone has felt the influences of stress at some point during life, perhaps relating to a situation at school, work or in one’s family. Although the stresses in our environment cannot be controlled, our reaction to them can be. Breath can be used as a very...