Treatment Regimen for RA (continued) Regulation of bowels: First thing on waking in the morning drink a glass of warm water to which have been added ½ tsp of honey, the juice of 1 lemon and a pinch of salt. This helps to clean out the bowels and to keep evacuation...
Love means to adjust and to understand. The Odd Couple One day a sage came to visit a couple. He sang a song for them that explained the meaning of life and the true goal of life. His song expressed that love was the most ancient traveler in the world. From eternity...
The unique concept of mind rejuvenation explained in Ayurveda by Acharya Charaka. The word Achar means the ‘mental attitude’ and rasayana means the ‘rejuvenation’. The methods explained for the mind rejuvenation by the great Ayurvedic physician Acharya Charaka are the...
An old story of creation narrates that after the heavens, all the stars, the earth, the air, the waters, the sky, and all the creatures on land and in the sea were made, God created humankind. When the first human awoke and became conscious of worldly life for the...
. . . continued from last issue Management at the physical level focuses on cleansing techniques to keep the body free of accumulation of wastes and toxins. The kriyas are internal cleansing techniques used in hatha yoga to cleanse the body of excess waste matter. The...