The Theory of Chronic Miasms of Homeopathy

. . . continued from last issue Let us return briefly to the topic of the sycotic miasm and its relationship with the embryonic tissue, mesoderm. Mesodermal cells provide epithelial lining for pleural, pericardial and peritoneal cavities, the cavities of joints and...

Love as Healer by Swami Rama

The key to healing is selflessness. When I was young I used to follow my master wherever he went. Once we went to a city called Heta in UP district to visit a railway officer whose only son had very severe smallpox with huge abscesses all over his body. When we were...

Humble Beginnings

February 1990, the foundation stone of the Himalayan Institute Hospital Trust (HIHT) was laid. Speaking on the occasion, Swami Rama said, “I pray to the diinity in you. I am only a humble server. I have nothing of my own within me. By the grace of my Gurudev, based on...

The Theory of Chronic Miasms of Homeopathy

The etiology of miasmatic weaknesses at the embryonic stage of development could be: habitual tendencies or energy patterns carried as samskaras from one birth to another; interaction of the miasmatically affected energy field of the mother with that of the early...

Ahimsa by Swami Rama

Love bears all things and endures all things. Nowhere will you find a true definition of love except in yoga science. In yoga science ahimsa means love. A means “no,” himsa means “killing, hurting, harming or injuring with mind, action and speech.” If you follow these...