
Ayurveda places a lot of emphasis on prevention rather than cure. All the classical writers emphasize a daily routine called dinacharya and seasonal routine called ritucharya. Dinacharya is made up of two words: dina or day and charya or routine or activity....

Theory of the Chronic Miasms

. . . sycosis continued States of congestion or of localized hyperemia provide the trigger for acute and chronic inflammatory conditions of all mucous surfaces in the body, particularly those in the pelvis. However, any mucous surface may become the instrument for the...

Theory of the Chronic Miasms

. . . continued from last issue Spasms along with extreme nervous tension are characteristic of the sycotic affection. All of the eliminative processes of the body are instigated and controlled by rhythmical, nervous impulses, as for example the peristaltic motion of...

Ginger Shunthi Adrak

. . . continued from last issue Ginger is satvic in nature and helps promote a calm and peaceful mind. A tea made with ginger and tulsi, is satvic by nature and enhances the immune system. As both the herbs affect the respiratory system it is very effective against...

A Collaborative Effort Towards TB

While in the country, TB (tuberculosis) treatment was moving from a sanatorium to a comprehensive program, at the Institute, it was the early days of establishment.  It was a time when there used to be animated discussions between those trained in the west and those...


Guru lives in the world but does not belong to the world. The guru wants nothing for what he is doing because it is his duty and the purpose of his life. If he guides you, he is not obliging you; he is merely doing his work. He cannot live without doing his duty...